Cake Smash Photos - At Renditure, Love Grows Here!
Renditure Photography's Cake Smash or 1 year Prop Photo's are second to none.
That first birthday cake smash is a big milestone; taking a few cell phone photos of the birthday baby in a plastic high chair just doesn’t do it justice. Planning a cake smash photography session allows you to capture more colourful, messy photos of that momentous first birthday. Best part is your photographer cleans up the mess and theres no house cleaning afterwards.
A cake smash is best done before or after the real birthday or if on the real birthday not at the child's party. The mess that comes with it you'll be happy you saved that for another time, sometimes its hard to keep guests out of the cake mess when done at home. The story's some of my clients told me... a birthday party where all the guests get bathed too lol would be very memorable.What better way than with their first cake or props designed to show off their development. These memories you will cherish for years to come and who knows may even make their wedding slideshow in what will seem like tomorrow so very soon.
What is a cake smash..? (in case your new to this term)
If you're planning a first birthday party for your child, you've probably heard by now that it's not complete without a Cake Smash
Smash cakes are small frosted cakes made just for the birthday boy or girl. Given it to your child in our studio and let him or her dig into it with their hands. You will hold these images near and dear..some of the expressions are just simply heart melting and often hilarious. In the weeks leading up to your child's cake smash, your photographer plans a special set to match any theme you have. Sometimes to match the child's outfit if mommy has a special one picked out. The custom cake is then tailored to match this by the cake designer. Here is some example images... Here is a peek at a few or our One year olds.
Schedule the session for the least fuss
Sometime having many people around at the actual Birthday party can overwhelm the child and you dont get the photos you had hopped for. Besides making it more stressful for you the child may be a bit nervous too with so many people around. While your playing hostess you may also rush though the images if you planed to take this on yourself. Plan based around the child's nap times. Sometimes a session before a meal helps with getting the child to dig in initially.
First Birthday Smash Cake Sessions are so much fun to plan. I let the moms take part as much as they want. Together we create the classic to eloquent sets you see in our images. I have a cake designer who works hand in hand but if you'd like to use your own thats fine too!