Renditure - Portrait, Family Photography with Pets
Portrait, Family Photography with Pets
Portraits are a great way to update not only how great you look but also how great are pets are at this time in our lives. As a photographer we often get asked can pets be included in our photos sessions? Most times its yes depending where the session takes place etc. We believe our pets are family.
Concerned they won’t behave? One of the top fears my clients have is that their pet will be unruly and not cooperate during their session. While I can’t guarantee your pet will be a perfect angel, I can promise that my patience will surprise you.
Most times when including the family pet we photograph in a park or in this case we will travel short distances to photograph ones that aren’t able to travel as easy like this beautiful Dressage horse Cal owned by Danna
Smaller pets in photos
This is ME with my 3 Pugs at Waskesiu Lake, Ben on the left is blind so it can be tricky to get them to look towards the sound but is possible with a self timer and someone getting their attention behind the camera. I have lots of experience taking dog photos. Ben has sadly crossed the rainbow bridge due to a brain tumor. Still lucky enough to have my little Sausha and Duncan kicking it into their senior years. I have magnets and mugs with my fur family on them with this image.
Chris & Marley came for the ultimate Christmas Card Photo, and are currently working on finishing a calendar for them.
Pet Family Photography Details
When I arrive at the location of choice, I will spend some time getting to know your pet and helping them to feel comfortable with me and my camera before going to work on your images. Be prepared to go slowly. Pet photos can take a lot of patience.
Chances are your pet will try to chase something that distracts them if they are off leash, like another dog or a squirrel if we are in the park. Keeping them on leash works best. Please bring a helper if your pets tend to be distracted easily. I always want to ensure your pet’s safety and keep them out of danger (i.e., prevent them from running into a busy street)
Upon completing your session, we will schedule an viewing appointment, usually 2 weeks after the session. During this time, you will view your professionally edited proofs in our studio. If you have a particular spot in your home where you would like to display your artwork, it is helpful to snap a picture of the space. Digital negatives you choose you go home with that day. Your finished portraits will be available for pickup approximately 2-4 weeks depending on product, after order is placed.
****a few tips to incorporate pets for your photo session****
Bring treats and favorite toys. Anything that can help the photographer to grab the attention of the pet, when needed, is really helpful. Plus, it is important to reward the dog for good behavior and pictures.Think about leash laws, traffic, and all of the possible scenarios. The safety of your pet should always come first.
Have realistic expectations and patience. Animals have a mind of their own and ultimately will do as they want to do. Proper training and preparation is extremely helpful, but sometimes even with the best case scenario, the pet might not corporate the way you envisioned. Try not to get frustrated or angry, the pet will feed on the negative energy and the attempts to get a good photo will just go downhill from there. Sometimes bringing a helping had to hold them in between images can work best.